Junius Williams

Junius Williams


Junius Williams is the Official Historian for the City of Newark, and a history maker in his own right. He is the founding Director of the Abbott Leadership Institute at Rutgers University Newark, and the Youth Media Symposium. Junius is the developer of RiseUpNewark.com, a website that traces the history of Newark through the stories of major ethnic groups that have made their mark on Newark. He is the host on the national podcast “Everything’s Political”.

Junius Williams


Junius Williams is the Official Historian for the City of Newark, and a history maker in his own right. He is the founding Director of the Abbott Leadership Institute at Rutgers University Newark, and the Youth Media Symposium. Junius is the developer of RiseUpNewark.com, a website that traces the history of Newark through the stories of major ethnic groups that have made their mark on Newark. He is the host on the national podcast “Everything’s Political”.

Page last updated: 30 Nov 2021, 02:25 PM